P2P functionality & much more

P2P functionality at a fraction of the usual cost.

Unlock back-office efficiencies.

Lift and shift your existing suppliers, prices and terms to Wippet.

Plus, the broader Wippet supplier ecosystem brings the market to you.
And much, much more…

- Leading edge marketplace technology fused with essential P2P functionality to enhance your procurement capability
- ‘Lift & Shift’ your existing suppliers, products and their credit terms
- Data-led spend analysis powered by AI bringing the market to you
- API Integration to financial systems to simplify management accounting
- As we grow the greater the insight & potential to collaborate across the sector
- Reinvest the time saved through automating purchasing and invoice management.

- All the features and benefits of Wippet membership
- Dedicated project team to support implementation & procurement projects
- Access to ‘best in breed’ digital tools via Wippet Associates
- Configurable workflows & approvals to strengthen your financial control
- 2-way & 3-way matching to speed up invoice processing
- Make Bulk payments across all your homes & suppliers in one transaction
- The Wippet ‘ecosystem’ will enable anonymised price benchmarking to help you identify opportunities to save

- An affordable leading-edge procurement system via an annual subscription fee
- Using Wippet is as simple as shopping online to make implementation easier across your business
- P2P systems only tell you what you know about suppliers and markets. Our extensive supplier community brings the market to you.
- B2C experience for the workplace 24/7
- Unlocks efficiencies in your business operations through automation
- Transfer your existing suppliers to manage the transition smoothly
- Improve your control environment and reduce the risk of fraud across your business
- Annual Subscription Fee set at a fraction of the cost of a P2P system